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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

3 August 1813 – Southern Germany – Day 2

French attack Buxheim and occupy Weichering
7th French army – attack Buxheim
8th French army – hold Amberg
9th French army – occupy Weichering

1st Austrian army – defend Buxheim
2nd Austrian army – advance to border
3rd Austrian army – retreat to Manching

Friday, February 28, 2025

12 August 1813 – Battle of Weichering

Tactical map of battle area

9th French army, commanded by Marshal Ney, attack Weichering
3rd Austrian army, commanded by General Mervedt, defend the border

French have10 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
2 infantry brigades are detached on garrison duty

Austrian have 9 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, and 3 corps artillery
3 infantry brigades are detached on garrison duty

The French have the element of surprise in this first battle of the campaig
They use this in the south because this is the most difficult area to attack
All three corps are concentrated and will reach the river together

Only one of the three Austrian corps are in position to defend the river
The other two will not be able to reach until the start of move 2
Table at start of battle

French enter able start of move 1
7th and 9th Austrian corps react start of move 2
CinC has formed a reserve by taking command of 7th and 9th corps cavalry

End of move 2

French cavalry threaten Austrian artillery
CinC has formed cavalry reserve from 26th and 27th corps cavalry
27 Corps cross river on the left
26 Corps wait for Austrian guns to retreat before crossing river
25 Corps cross river on the right

Austrian 7th and 9th corps advance
CinC moves to support 8th corps in the centre
7th Corps advance towards hill on the right
8th Corps withdraw artillery due to enemy cavalry

9th Corps advance towards hill on the left
End of move 4

French cross river
CinC wins cavalry melee, withdraw reserve cavalry
27 Corps advance towards hill on the left
26 Corps cross river now artillery withdrawn
25 Corps move towards pass between hill in the centre and right

Austrian deploy south of hills on the right and left
CinC deploy cavalry to support 8 corps in the centre
7 Corps halt south of hill on the right
8 Corps cavalry lose melee and rout wit h 10% casualties
9 Corps halt south of hill on the left
End of move 6

French attack in centre
CinC rout dragoons who charged artillery
27 Corps gunners evade to square when charged by dragoons
26 Corps infantry move towards hill in the centre
25 Corps advance between hill in the centre and on the right

Austrian lose another cavalry melee
CinC reserve cavalry charge gunners, who evade to square
7 Corps infantry form square
8 Corps infantry on hill in centre withdraw
9 Corps hold position behind hill on the left
End of move 8

French prolonged undecided cavalry melee in the centre
CinC cavalry melee continues, one brigade routs with 10% casualties
27 Corps move towards centre to support main attack
26 Corps artillery concentrates to support cavalry melee
25 Corps artillery open fire, infantry move onto hill on the right

Austrian lose two cavalry brigades, but melee continues
CinC rallies routed cavalry brigade, melee continues
7 Corps redeploy to meet attack through pass
8 Corps withdraw, but one infantry brigade still on hill in the centre
9 Corps redeploy to meet cavalry attack, infantry move onto hill on the left
End of move 10

French cavalry lose melee and rout, but rally behind centre
CinC rally cavalry to support 26th corps in the centre
27 Corps artillery support attack in centre
26 Corps infantry attack hill in the centre
25 Corps occupy hill on the right

Austrian rally routed cavalry in the centre
CinC rally routed cavalry to support 8 corps in centre
7 Corps retreat from hill on the right
8 Corps prepare to hold hill in the centre
9 Corps occupy hill on the left

End of move 12

French hold hill on the right, but unable to take hill in the centre
CinC hold cavalry in reserve
27 Corps unable to take hill on the left
26 Corps firefight on hill in the centre is undecided
25 Corps hold hill on the right

Austrian hold hill on the left and dispute hill in the centre
CinC hold cavalry in reserve
7 Corps re treat with one brigade in rout
8 Corps continue firefight for hill in the centre
9 Corps hold hill on the left


The prolonged cavalry melee in the centre ends in a draw
Both withdraw their cavalry into reserve

Austrians hold hill on the left without any casualties

Bavarian artillery force Austrians to withdraw in the centre
But Austrian infantry hold their own in firefight on the hill in the centre

Bavarians capture hill on the right and force Austrians to withdraw

At nightfall the French hold the hill on the right

The Austrians the one on the left

The firefight continues for the hill in the centre

The French have failed to take two of the three game objectives

The Austrians win the battle
However with 7th corps in retreat they will have to retreat overnight

The French have lost 2 cavalry casualties (200 men)
The Austrians have lost 4 infantry and 3 cavalry casualties (1900 men)

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

12 August 1813 – Southern Germany – Day 1

The French are deployed to the west of the Nuremberg-Ingolstadt border
They are out of sight of the Austrian army, but are concentrated ready to attack

7th French army – observe enemy
8th French army – observe enemy
9th French army – attack Weichering

The Austrian army is deployed to the east of the Nuremberg-Ingolstadt border
2, 5 and 8 corps are on the border to warn of any attack
The remainder of the army are in reserve to make supply easier

1st Austrian army – defend border
2nd Austrian army – defend border
3rd Austrian army – defend border

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

12 August 1813 – Southern Germany – Ingolstadt Campaign

1813 Campaign Map

This is a fictional campaign loosely based on the 1813 campaign
It started in April 2009 and consists of stand alone campaign phases
Each phase is similar in size to the Waterloo campaign
This is the 93rd phase, each of which is shown on the above map
There have been six major adjustments to the campaign
The following maps are used for the current adjustment, which started in June 2020

Map of Europe

There are five campaign areas in Europe
North Germany – French v Prussians
Central Germany – French v Russians
Southern Germany – French v Austrians
North Spain – French v British
South Spain – French v Spanish

This is the campaign phase 20
Each star shows the location of a campaign phase
Inglostadt is the white star

Map of Germany

There are three campaign areas in Germany
North Germany – First French and Prussian Armies
Central Germany – Second French and Russian Armies
South Germany – Third French and Austrian Armies

This is the twelfth campaign phase to be fought in Germany
Each star shows the location of a campaign phase
Ingolstadt is the white star

Map of South Germany

There are three regions in South Germany
Strasbourg Region – French rear area
Munich Region – campaign area
Vienna Region – Prussian rear area

This is the fourth campaign phase to be fought in South Germany
Each star shows the location of a campaign phase
Ingolstadt is the white star

Map of Munich Region

There are nine districts in Munich Region
There have been 19 battles fought in this region
The French have won 8 and the Austrians 11
Each star shows the location of a battle fought
The white star shows Ingolstadt

Campaign Map

The Ingolstadt campaign is fought between the cities of Nuremberg and Ingolstadt
The French Army of Southern Germany is deployed to the left of the district border
The Austrian Army is deployed to the right of the district border
The French objective is to take and hold the city of Ingolstadt

Typical Bavarian corps

Each corps has 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade and corps artillery

The French Army of Southern Germany- Marshal Massena
19th Bavarian corps
20th Bavarian corps
21st Bavarian corps
22nd Bavarian corps
23rd Bavarian corps
24th Baden corps
25th Bavarian corps
26th Bavarian corps
27th Baden corps

144000 infantry, 9000 cavalry, 270 guns

Typical Austrian corps

Each corps has 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade and corps artillery

Austrian Army - General Schwartzenberg
1st Austrian corps
2nd Austrian corps
3rd Austrian corps
4th Austrian corps
5th Austrian corps
6th Austrian corps
7th Austrian corps
8th Austrian corps
9th Austrian corps

144000 infantry, 9000 cavalry, 270 guns

Campaign Diary
01 February 1813 Austria, Britain, Prussia and Russia declared war on France
01 February 1813 Formation of Third French army in Munich region
25 February 1813 Third French army declared operational
28 February 1813 Austrians moved into the Munich region
30 March 1813 Start of Branau campaign phase
11 April 1813 Austrians win Branau phase
20 May 1813 Start of Kufstein campaign phase
30 May 1813 French win Kufstein campaign phase
03 July 1813 Start of Landshut phase
10 July 1813 Austrians win Landshut phase
12 August 1813 Start of Ingolstadt phase

The campaign diary contains comprehensive details of the whole campaign. The labels on the right are an index to various parts of the campaign.

01 - Introduction to the1813 campaign
02 - Five campaign areas
30 - Introduction to the campaign in Southern Germany
31 – French Army order of battle
32 - Austrian Army order of battle
33 - Daily diary for the campaign in Southern Germany
34 - Battle reports of all battles fought in Southern Germany
35 - Summary of campaign in Southern Germany

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Summary of Southern Spain Campaign – 11 August 1813


Regional areas of Southern Spain

There are three regions in Southern Spain
Lisbon region is a safe rear area for the Spanish army
Valencia region is the rear area for the Fifth French army
Seville region is the disputed area between them

The main French depot is at Valencia
The main Spanish depot is at Seville

French Strategy in Spain

King Joseph is the commander in chief of all French troops in Spain.
However he commands no respect from either his army commanders
Both Soult and Suchet are determined to remain independent commanders
Suchet wants to invade southern Spain and become King of Andalusia
Soult wants to defeat Wellington and become King of Portugal

All three agree that Soult will drive Wellington out of Spain
Suchet will invade Andalusia and take Seville
He will then detach two of his four corps to support Soult
Soult will invade Portugal and drive Wellington out of the Peninsula

Anglo-Spanish Strategy in Spain

Wellington is the commander in chief of all allied troops in the Peninsula
However all Spanish generals deeply resent this appointment
Giron is determined to take Madrid and become the hero of Spain

Wellington is well aware that he cannot rely on his Spanish generals
To defat the French he must first take Madrid
To do so the Spanish army must hold southern Spain to pin Suchet
Most importantly the Spanish must avoid a comprehensive defeat
This would allow both French armies to concentrate against Wellington

Diary of North Spain Campaign

01 February 1813 - Austria, Britain, Prussia, Russia and Spain declared war on France
04 February 1813 - Spanish army operational n Saville region
28 February 1813 - Fifth French army operational in Madrid Region
09 March 1813 - Start of Toledo campaign phase
13 March 1813 - Spanish win Toledo campaign phase
20 April 1813 - Start of Cuidad Real campaign phase
30 April 1813 - French win Cuidad Real campaign phase
08 June 1813 - Start of Merida campaign phase
15 June 1813 - Spanish win Merida campaign phase
02 August 1813 - Start of Jean campaign phase
11 August 1813 French win Jean campaign phase


The campaign diary contains comprehensive details of the whole campaign.
The labels on the right are an index to various parts of the campaign.

01 - Introduction to the1813 campaign
02 - Five campaign areas
50 - Introduction to the campaign in Southern Spain
51 - 5th French Army order of battle
52 - Spanish Army order of battle
53 - Daily diary for the campaign in Southern Spain
54 - Battle reports of all battles fought in Southern Spain
55 - Summary of campaign in Southern Spain

Friday, February 7, 2025

11 August 1813 – Southern Spain – End of Jean Campaign

Battles fought during campaign phase

The French won the first three battles of the campaign, forcing the Spanish army to retreat west to Linares, Jean and Alcaudette.

To pursue the retreating Spanish, Suchet had to detach infantry and cavalry brigades to secure his lines of supply. Despite this he lost many supplies to guerrilla attacks.

As Suchet struggled to secure his lines of supply, the Spanish counter attacked. They won the next four battles, including the city of Jean.

Suchet won the next battle at Linares, but he was down to one days supplies and was tempted to retreat. Instead he ordered a desperate attack on Martos, which he won and with it the campaign.

The campaign started on 26 September and ended on 7 February 2025

This was the first campaign to last nine days, earlier ones had only lasted six days. This was to allow the Spanish to counter attack after the French had taken Jean, which was the campaign objective. To do so the French had to expend almost all of their supplies, and detach the maximum number of infantry and cavalry brigades to secure their lines of supply. They would be at their weakest, and the Spanish at their strongest. Despite this the French won the final two battles, and also the campaign.

Seville Region

This map shows the location of the 29 battles fought in the Seville Region since the Sixth campaign bagan in June 2020. The French won 17 and the Spanish 12.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

11 August 1813 – Southern Spain – Day 10


Main French depot at Hellin – 0 days supplies

French have no more reserve supplies
French occupy Martos
French have defeated Spanish army
Spanish general retreat

13th French army – resupply and secure Linares
14th French army – occupy Martos
15th French army – regroup and resupply at Mortalalla

1st Spanish army – retreat to Andjuar
2nd Spanish army – retreat off map
3rd Spanish army – retreat to Alcaudete

Guerrilla cease active operations