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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

26 July 1813 – Battle of Mansfield

Tactical map of battle area

The first battle of the campaign is a surprise attack by the French
Only one Russian corps is on the border
It will take two hours to activate the remaining two Russian corps

French army is commanded by Marshal Davout
Russian army is commanded by General Wittgenstein

French – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
Russian – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

Russians are deployed on the table at the start of the game
General Wittgenstein is in the town of Mansfield
2nd corps is the advance guard and deployed either side of the main road
1st and 3rd corps are either side of Mansfield, they can move at the start of move 3

French are deployed off table and will arrive at the start of move 1
End of move 2

French arrive on table
CinC commands artillery from 10 and 11 corps, plus one infantry brigade
10 Corps are reduced to 50% move rate moving on hill
11 Corps are advancing between the hill and the woods
12 Corps are advancing to the left of the farm

Russian sight advancing French
1 Corps are waiting for orders
2 Corps send messenger to warn CinC of French advance
3 Corps are waiting for orders
End of move 4

French advance towards Mansfield
CinC with grand battery approached woods in centre
10 Corps delayed by crossing hill, cavalry in advance to protect infantry
11 Corps approach woods in the centre
12 Corps approach hill on the left

Russian 1 and 3 corps advance
CinC commands part of 3 corps
1 Corps advance either side of fortified farm on right
2 Corps move infantry behind woods for cover from artillery
3 Corps advance to right behind hill on the left

End of move 6

French capture woods in the centre
CinC moves grand battery forward between woods and farm
10 Corps finally cross hill, deploy into attack formation
11 Corps capture woods in centre
12 Corps reach hill on the left and deploy in to attack formation

Russian CinC sends two infantry brigades to attack hill on the left
1 Corps enter fortified farm on the right
2 Corps brigade rout from woods, remainder deploy between woods and Mansfield
3 Corps infantry attack hill on the left

End of move 8

French attack hill on the right
CinC moves grand battery to support 10 corps attack on farm
10 Corps cavalry rout Cossacks and gunners
11Corps continue melee in the woods, cavalry rout Russian cuirassier
12 Corps prolonged melee on the hill, still undecided

Russian counter attack woods in the centre
CinC rally cuirassier and withdraw artillery
1 Corps rally Cossacks, withdraw infantry from farm
2 Corps continue melee in woods, remainder of infantry withdraw behind woods
3 Corps rally cuirassier, infantry continue extensive melee on hill
End of move 10

French capture fortified farm on the left
CinC moves grand battery to engage Russian infantry between farm and woods
10 Corps infantry enter fortified farm on the right
11 Corps secure woods in the centre
12 Corps lose melee on the hill on the left

Russian win melee for hill on the left
1 Corps withdraw from fortified farm on the right
2 Corps rout from woods in the centre
3 Corps win extended melee on hill on the left
End of move 12

French capture fortified farm and woods in the centre
CinC supports 10 corps attack with grand battery
10 Corps occupy fortified farm and pursue retreating Russians
11 Corps occupy woods in the centre and advance on Mansfield
12 Corps three brigades rout from melee, remainder rally to the right of hill

Russian hold hill on the left
CinC deploys between woods and town
1 Corps retreat to right of woods
2 Corps artillery and one brigade hold approach to town, remainder rout behind town
3 Corps Grenadier brigade hold hill on the left, three brigades rout from melee


The French have taken two of the three game objectives
They have won the game

The town of Mansfield still held by the Russians

French have lost 7 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties (2900 men)
Russians have lost 13 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (5400 men)

Monday, July 29, 2024

26 July 1813 – Halle Campaign - Day 1


French attack Mansfeld
4 French army – attack Mansfeld
5 French army – hold and resupply
6 French army – hold and resupply

Russian caught by surprise attack
1 Russian army – defend Mansfeld
2 Russian army – hold and resupply
3 Russian army – hold and resupply

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

26 July 1813 – Central Germany – Halle Campaign

Map of Europe

There are five campaign areas in Europe

North Germany – French v Prussians
Central Germany – French v Russians
Southern Grmany – French v Austrians
North Spain – French v British
South Spain – French v Spanish

This is the 18th phase of the sixth campaign
Each star shows the location of a campaign phase
Halle is the white star

Map of Germany

There are three campaign areas in Germany

North Germany – First French and Prussian Armies
Central Germany – Second French and Russian Armies
South Germany – Third French and Austrian Armies

This is the eleventh campaign phase to be fought in Germany
Each star shows the location of a campaign phase
Halle is the white star

Map of Central Germany

There are three regions in Central Germany

Dusseldorf Region – French rear area
Erfurt Region – campaign area
Dresden Region – Prussian rear area

This is the fourth campaign phase to be fought in North Germany
Each star shows the location of a campaign phase
Halle is the white star

Map of Erfurt Region

There are nine districts in Erfurt Region

There have been seventeen battles fought in this region

The French have won11 and the Russians 6
Each star shows the location of a battle fought
Campaign Map

The Halle campaign is fought between the cities of Nordhausen and Halle

The French Army of Central Germany is deployed to the left of the district border
The Russian Army is deployed to the right of the district border
The French objective is to take and hold the city of Halle

Each block represents one corps

Typical French corps

Each corps has 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade and corps artillery

The French Army of Central Germany - Marshal Davout

10th Young Guard corps
11th French corps
12th French corps
13th French corps
14th French corps
15th Italian corps]
16th French corps
17th Polish corps
18th Vistula corps

144000 infantry, 9000 cavalry, 270 guns

Typical Russian corps

Each corps has 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade and corps artillery

Russian Army - General Wittgenstein

1st Russian corps
2nd Russian corps
3rd Russian corps
4th Russian corps
5th Russian corps
6th Russian corps
7th Russian corps
8th Russian corps
9th Russian corps

144000 infantry, 9000 cavalry, 270 guns

Campaign Diary

01 Feb 1813 Austria, Britain, Prussia and Russia declared war on France
01 Feb 1813 Formation of Second French army in Dusseldorf region
26 Feb 1813 Second French army declared operational.
27 Feb 1813 The Russians moved into the Erfurt region
28 Feb 1813 Davout entered Erfurt region and occupied Fulda district
14 Mar 1813 Start of Erfurt campaign phase
21 Mar 1813 French win Erfurt campaign phase
01 May 1813 Start of Gera campaign phase
09 May 1813 French win Gera campaign phase
16 Jun 1813 Start of Bayreuth campaign phase
24 Jun 1813 Russians win Bayreuth campaign phase
26 Jul 1813 Start Halle campaign phase


The campaign diary contains comprehensive details of the whole campaign.
The labels on the left are an index to various parts of the campaign.

01 - Introduction to the1813 campaign
02 - Five campaign areas
20 - Introduction to the campaign in Central Germany
21 - Second French Army order of battle
22 - Russian Army order of battle
23 - Daily diary for the campaign in Central Germany
24 - Battle reports of all battles fought in Central Germany
25 - Summary of campaign in Central Germany

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summary of Northern Spain Campaign – 25 July 1813

Regional map of Northern Spain

There are three regions in Southern Spain
But unlike Germany, the French do not have a secure rear area

All of Spain is in revolt against the French, who only control the area they occupy

Fourth French army are in Burgos
Their main depot is in Santander

The Anglo/Portuguese army is in Salamanca
Their main depot is in Oporto

French Strategy in Spain

King Joseph is the commander in chief of all French troops in Spain.
However he commands no respect from either his army commanders
Both Soult and Suchet are determined to remain independent commanders
Suchet wants to invade southern Spain and become King of Andalusia
Soult wants to defeat Wellington and become King of Portugal
All three agree that Soult will drive Wellington out of Spain

Suchet will invade Andalusia and take Seville
He will then detach two of his four corps to support Soult

Soult will invade Portugal and drive Wellington out of the Peninsula

Anglo-Spanish Strategy in Spain

Wellington is the commander in chief of all allied troops in the Peninsula
However all Spanish generals deeply resent this appointment
Giron is determined to take Madrid and become the hero of Spain

Wellington is well aware that he cannot rely on his Spanish generals
To defeat the French he must first take Madrid
To do so the Spanish army must hold southern Spain to pin Suchet
Most importantly the Spanish must avoid a comprehensive defeat
This would allow both French armies to concentrate against Wellington

Diary of Northern Spain Campaign

1 February 1813 Austria, Britain, Prussia, Russia and Spain declared war on France
20 February 1813 Anglo/Portuguese army operational in Oporto Region
27 February 1813 Fourth French army operational in Burgos Region
22 March 1813 Start of Valladolid campaign phase
29 March 1813 British win Valladolid campaign phase
10 May 1813 Start of Llanes campaign phase
19 May 1813 British win Llanes campaign phase
25 June 1813 Start of Talavera campaign phase
2 July 1813 French win Talavera campaign phase
19 July 1813 Start of Santander campaign phase
25 July 1813 British win Santander campaign phase


The campaign diary contains comprehensive details of the whole campaign. The labels on the right are an index to various parts of the campaign.

01 - Introduction to the1813 campaign
02 - Five campaign areas
40 - Introduction to the campaign in Northern Spain
41 – French Army order of battle
42 – Anglo/Portuguese Army order of battle
43 - Daily diary for the campaign in Northern Spain
44 - Battle reports of all battles fought in Northern Spain
45 - Summary of campaign in Northern Spain

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

26 July 1813 – Northern Spain – End of Santander Campaign


Battles fought during campaign phase

Soult won five of the six battles fought
Wellington won the remaining one

Despite winning five of the six battles fought, Soult failed to take the city of Santander. At the end of the first day he had taken two of the three wargame objectives, and thus won the battle. But he had run out of supplies and was forced to retreat and thus failed to take the city. As a result Wellington won the campaign

The campaign started on 4 May and ended on 27 June 2024

We had to change the rules after a run of games where the defender could slowly retreat and avoid battle within the allowed 12 game moves. The new rules would have three game objectives in the three middle squares of the table. The winner would be the one who held at least two at the end of the game. It worked well, but resulted in a strange result in this campaign. The French won five of the six games. But due to guerrilla activity they were very low on supplies when they fought the last battle. They took two of the three objectives, but the British firmly held the third, which controlled the approach to Santander. To take the campaign objective, the French would have to fight a second day of battle. But because the northern army group were out of supply, they would have to retreat to resupply. This left t the other two army groups isolated and they also had to withdraw to the river Ebro.
Madrid Region

At the end of the campaign the British still held Santander
The French had to retreat towards San Sebastian to resupply

Wellington ordered his army to hold Santander
Soult ordered his army to hold the line of the river Ebro

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

25 July 1813 – North Spain – Day 7


French forced to retreat to river Ebro due to lack of supplies
Siege of Soncillo abandoned

10 French army – retreat to Laredo to resupply
11 French army – defend river Ebro
12 French army – retreat to river Ebro

1 British army – rally and hold Santander
2 British army – hold Medina
3 British army – raise siege of Soncillo

All brigades stood down to rally, regroup and resupply

Friday, July 5, 2024

24 July 1813 – Battle of Santander

Tactical map of battle area

10th French Army Group has only two days supplies.
If they fail to defeat 1st British Army Group within 12 moves they will have to retreat

French army is commanded by Marshal Soult
British army is commanded by Duke of Wellington

French – 13 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
British – 8 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery
Spanish – 5 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade, 1 corps artillery
Table at start of battle

Wellington’s army occupy the three game objectives
Left woods, centre villa, right woods
The side which holds at least two of the three at the end of 12 moves wins the game
Soult’s army is deployed south of the river, which can only be crossed by bridge
End of move 2

French start to cross the river
Cavalry cross first to protect the bridge head as the infantry and artillery cross
28th young guard artillery crossing protected by infantry in square
29th line artillery crossing protected by infantry in square
30th Polish crossing protected by infantry in square

Davout waits on the southern bank until his army has crossed
Note – bridges have been removed to ease move measurement

British and Spanish move forward to disrupt river crossing
1st British cavalry and artillery deploy just out of charge move of bridge
Wellington has taken command of the villa and two brigades on the left
2nd British cavalry and artillery deploy just out of charge move of bridge
7th Spanish cavalry deploy just out of charge move of bridge
French cross river

28th young guard artillery fire on British cavalry, no casualties
29th line cross river
Soult takes command of three infantry brigades from 29th line
30th Polish artillery abandon guns when charged

Spanish cavalry charge Polish artillery
1st British cavalry retire out of artillery range
2nd British wait for French to come within artillery range
7th Spanish cavalry rout Polish gunners, but retreat shaken when charged by lancers
End of move 6

Polish drive Spanish from woods
28th young guard cavalry rout British hussars
29th French cavalry lose melee and rout, take infantry brigade with them
30th Polish cavalry rout Spanish dragoons who take two brigades with them

British rout French centre
1st British cavalry lose melee and rout
2nd British cavalry rout French cavalry, who take infantry brigade with them
3rd Spanish cavalry lose melee and rout, taking two infantry brigades with them
End of move 8

French enter woods on left and right
28th young guard infantry enter woods, remainder of corps advance
29th French artillery and infantry rally, cavalry continue to rout
30th Polish infantry enter woods, remainder of corps advance

Spanish rally, all three corps withdraw to new defensive position
1st British abandon woods, retreat to new position in front of Santander
2nd British withdraw level with Spanish, but continue to hold villa
7th Spanish rally and reform behind woods
End of move 10

French fighting for woods
28th young guard infantry fighting for control of woods
29th French artillery firing, infantry returning from rout
30th Polish infantry secure woods, cavalry rout Spanish cavalry and artillery

British hold villa and counter attack woods on right
1st British counter attack woods, remainder of corps withdraw behind woods
2nd British hold villa, remainder of corps withdraw to rear of villa
7th Spanish lose cavalry melee and counter attack on woods

End of move 12

French have taken both woods
28th young guard occupy woods on the right and deploy to hold them
29th French artillery support young guard
30th Polish occupy woods on the left and deploy to hold them

British hold villa and extend to Santander
1st British corps have broken and routed into Santander
2nd British corps hold villa and extend to Santander
7th Spanish have broken and routed to village


The French have taken two of the three campaign objectives
The British still hold the villa in the centre
The French have won this battle

French have lost 5 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (2200 men)
British have lost 6 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (2600 men)
Spanish have lost 2 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties (900 men)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

24 July 1813 – North Spain – Day 6

Day 2 siege of Soncillo
Battle of Santander
British occupy Medina

10 French army – attack Santander
11 French army – rally and regroup
12 French army – siege of Soncillo

1 British army – defend Santander
2 British army – occupy Medina
3 British army – hold Soncillo


13 brigade – attack convoy, capture 9 days supplies, escort routed
14 brigade – attack convoy, routed with 10% casualties
16 brigade - attack convoy, fail, retreat no casualties
21 brigade – attack convoy, routed with 10% casualties