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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

30 July 1813 – Halle Campaign - Day 5

French attack halle
4 French army – rally and resupply at Mansfeld
5 French army – attack Halle
6 French army – rally and resupply at Querfurt

Russian hold Konnern and defend Halle
1 Russian army – rally and resupply at Konnern
2 Russian army – defend Halle
3 Russian army – rally and resupply at Luena

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

29 July 1813 – Battle of Konnern

Tactical map of battle area

Fourth French army is commanded by Marshal Davout
First Russian army is commanded by General Wittgenstein

French – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
Russian – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

French start the battle with 3 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties
Russians start the battle with 6 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties

Table at start of battle

Russians are deployed on the table at the start of the move
French will arrive on the table at the start of move 1
The river can only be crossed using one of the four bridges
The Russians are not allowed to move forward, other than for cavalry to charge.
This is to allow the French to cross the river unopposed using the bridges
End of move 2

French arrive on table and start to cross the river
CinC has taken command of half of 11 corps
10 corps advance along the left bank of the river
11 corps wait for CinC to cross the bridge
12 corps cross the river behind their cavalry screen

Russian adjust to sighting the French
CinC has taken command of half of 3 corps between the river and the pass
1 corps wait for French to approach
2 corps wait for French to approach
3 corps withdraw on left bank, deploy artillery to fire across the river

End of move 4

French crossing river
CinC crossed river, moving to deploy alongside 12 corps
10 corps crossing river protected by cavalry brigade
11 corps waiting for CinC to cross bridge
12 corps halt out of range of Russian artillery

Russian wait for French to come within artillery range
CinC move cuirassiers forward to protect artillery
1 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
2 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
3 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
End of move 6

French continue to cross the river and deploy
CinC artillery unlimber within range of cuirassiers
10 corps artillery hit Russian infantry
11 corps continue to cross bridge in centre
12 corps wait for reserve artillery to weaken Russians at bridge

Russian wait for French to advance within artillery range
CinC hold bridge
1 corps infantry brigade lose 10% casualties and retreat shaken
2 corps wait for French to advance within artillery range
3 corps wait for French to advance within artillery range
End of move 8

French attack
CinC rout Russian cavalry
10 corps advance but lose cavalry melee
11 corps advance, one brigade lose 10% but pass morale test
12 corps advance win cavalry melee

Russian withdraw but still hold the three game objectives
CinC lose cavalry melee and one infantry brigade lose 10% casualties
1 corps withdraw but cavalry win melee
2 corps artillery advance and hit advancing infantry
3 corps cavalry rout, remainder withdraw but continue to hold village
End of move 10

French capture bridge on the left
CinC cavalry rout gunners
10 corps advance to attack village on the right
11 corps halt too weak to attack hill in the centre
12 corps capture bridge on the left

Russian abandon bridge and withdraw from village
CinC command routed except for one infantry brigade
1 corps withdraw garrison but prepare to fight for the village
2 corps hold the hill in the centre
3 corps retreat towards bridge leading to the town
End of move 12

French control bridge
CinC advance reserve artillery and cavalry to secure bridge
10 corps continue to attack village on the right
11 corps wait for 12 corps to support their attack on hill
12 corps start to cross the river to support 11 corps

Russian hold hill and village
CinC support 2 corps to hold hill
1 corps continue to hold village
2 corps continue to hold hill
3 corps retreat from bridge


At nightfall the Russians hold two of the three game objectives
They win the battle

French have lost 2 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (1000 men)
Russians have lost 2 infantry, 7 cavalry and 2 artillery casualties (1700 men)

Monday, August 19, 2024

29 July 1813 – Halle Campaign - Day 4

French attack Konnern
4 French army – attack Konnern
5 French army – rally and resupply
6 French army – occupy Querfurt

Russian retreat to Leuna
1 Russian army – defend Konnern
2 Russian army – rally and resupply
3 Russian army – retreat to Luena

Friday, August 16, 2024

28 July 1813 – Battle of Querfurt

Tactical map of battle area

French army is commanded by Marshal Poniatowski
Russian army is commanded by General Winzingerode

French – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
Russian – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

The Russian army is deployed on the three game objectives
7th corps on the hill on the right
8th corps in the woods in the centre
9th corps in the farm on the left
Winzingerode has taken command of half of 8th corps

The French will arrive on the table at the start of move 1

End of move 2

French arrive on table
CinC takes command of cavalry from 16 and 17 corps
16 corps advance towards hill on the right
17 corps advance towards woods in the centre
18 corps delayed by crossing hill on the left

Russian adjust deployment having seen French advance
CinC moves cavalry and artillery forwards to front of woods
7 corps deploy infantry into line
8 corps move cavalry forward
9 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
End of move 4

French lose two cavalry melee
CinC lose two cavalry melee and rout
16 corps halt, artillery fire on cavalry, no casualties
17 corps halt, artillery fire on cavalry, hit 10% casualties
18 corps continue to cross hill, artillery unlimber

Russian artillery, cavalry and infantry rout
CinC win cavalry melee, but one brigade routs from artillery fire
7 corps wait for French to approach
8 corps cavalry rout from artillery fire
9 corps wait for French to come within artillery fire
End of move 6

French rally routers
CinC rally one cavalry brigade, second has 20% remains shaken
16 corps artillery sent to CinC, infantry advance towards hill
17 corps artillery advance towards woods
18 corps artillery advance towards farm

Russian rally routers
CinC rallies artillery and cavalry with 20% casualties
7 corps wait for French to advance
8 corps rallies cavalry with 10% casualties
9 corps infantry retreat behind farm, artillery withdraw out of artillery range
End of move 8

French attach hill on the right
CinC artillery opens fire on woods in the centre
16 corps infantry advance to attack hill
17 corps infantry advance towards woods
18 corps move off right edge of hill to avoid enemy cavalry and artillery

Russian retreat from woods in the centre
CinC hold area between woods and hill
7 corps grenadier brigade move to support hill
8 corps infantry withdraw from woods, cavalry routed by artillery fire
9 corps counter battery fire, no casualties
End of move 10

French attack all three game objectives
CinC artillery rout cavalry
16 corps two rounds of firefight, no casualties
17 corps infantry enter woods, supports move behind woods
18 corps artillery rout gunners, infantry approach farm

Russian withdraw to rear of farm and woods
CinC cavalry rout with 20% casualties
7 corps two rounds of firefight, no casualties
8 corps withdraw centre to rear of woods and farm
9 corps gunners rout with 20% casualties, infantry prepare to counter attack farm

End of move 12

French occupy woods in the centre and farm on the left
CinC advance with cavalry between woods and hill
16 corps continue fire fight on hill, but are gaining the advantage
17 corps occupy woods
18 corps occupy farm

Russian retreat from woods and farm, continue firefight on hill
CinC withdraw towards town
7 corps continue firefight, but two brigades rout
8 corps withdraw towards town
9 corps garrison rout from farm


After a hard fought battle, the French take woods and farm on move 12
The Russians suffer heavy casualties during moves 11 and 12
The French have occupied two of the three game objectives and win the game

French have lost 3 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (1400 men)
Russians have lost 9 infantry, 5 cavalry and 3 artillery casualties (4400 men)

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

28 July 1813 – Halle Campaign - Day 3

French attack Querfurt
4 French army – rally and resupply
5 French army – occupy Eisleben
6 French army – attack Querfurt

Russian retreat to Halle
1 Russian army – rally and resupply
2 Russian army – retreat to Halle
3 Russian army – defend Querfurt

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

27 July 1813 – Battle of Eisleben


Tactical map of battle area

The second battle of the campaign is the French attack on Eisleben
4th and 6th Russian corps have orders to move up to the border
Together with the CinC they will move at the start of move 1

The game objective is village 1, the woods in the centre and villa 2
The side which holds two of the three at the end of move 12 is the winner

French army is commanded by Marshal Moncey
Russian army is commanded by General Constantine

French – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
Russian – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

All Russian corps are on the table, all may move at the start of move 1
All French corps are off table, but will arrive at the start of move 1

The game objectives are the fortified farm, woods and village in the middle of the table. The player who holds at least two at the end of 12 moves will win the game.
End of move 2

French arrive on table
CinC has taken command of artillery from 13 and 14 corps, plus one infantry brigade
13 Corps is delayed by crossing hill on the right
14 Corps advance to the left of the road
15 Corps advance through the woods on the left

Russian advance towards game objectives
CinC has taken command of half of 5 corps to the right of the road
4 Corps reach village and send grenadier brigade to garrison it
5 Corps deploy cavalry and artillery
6 Corps advance towards fortified farm on the left
End of move 4

French deploy into attack formation
CinC open fire with grand battery, no casualties
13 Corps still crossing hill
14 Corps cavalry retreat shaken when charged by cossacks
15 Corps deploy into attack formation

Russian open fire and send cavalry to delay French deployment
CinC opens fire on gunners, no casualties
4 Corps occupy village
5 Corps Cossacks charge dragoons, who retreat shaken before melee
6 Corps occupy fortified farm
End of move 6

French attack all three objectives
CinC grand battery hit Russian gunners
13 Corps advance towards village
14 Corps cavalry rout cossacks
15 Corps infantry move towards farm, artillery move to left

Russian abandon fortified farm and woods
CinC withdraw to rear edge of woods, gunners rout with 10% casualties
4 Corps wait for French to advance
5 Corps Cossacks lose cavalry melee and rout with 10% casualties
6 Corps withdraw from farm to avoid artillery casualties
End of move 8

French enter woods in the centre and farm on the left
CinC redeploys grand battery to support 13 corps attack on village
13 Corps halt in front of village, waiting for reserve artillery to support attack
14 Corps enter woods and cavalry charge support for fortified farm
15 Corps infantry enter abandoned fortified farm

Russian retreat, but hold village on the right
CinC rallied infantry and gunners in front of town
4 Corps cavalry rally near woods on the right
5 Corps in support of fortified farm broken and routed by French cavalry
6 Corps withdraw towards woods on the left
End of move 10

French occupy woods in centre and farm on left
CinC redeploys grand battery to support attack on village
13 Corps wait for artillery to reduce town garrison
14 Corps secure woods in the centre
15 Corps take fortified farm on the right

Russian retreat, but hold village on the right
CinC redeploys to right of road in front of town
4 Corps hold village and redeploy between village and woods
5 Corps withdraw to left of road in front of town
6 Corps withdraw to woods on the left

Marshal Moncey halts attack having taken woods in the centre and farm on the left
General Constantine retreats to new position just in front of the town
French win game having captured two of the three game objectives

French have lost 1 cavalry casualty (100 men)
Russians have lost 2 infantry, 1 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (1000 men)

Monday, August 5, 2024

27 July 1813 – Halle Campaign - Day 2

French attack Eisleben
4 French army – occupy Mansfeld
5 French army – attack Eisleben
6 French army – hold and resupply

Russian retreat to Konnern
1 Russian army – retreat to Konnern
2 Russian army – defend Eisleben
3 Russian army – move up to border