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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

14 September 1813 – Battle of Molina

Tactical map of battle area
Despite his victories at Elda and Riopar Suchet is in a desperate situation
His lines of supply have been attacked by guerrilla bands
A vital supply convoy has been captured by the guerrilla
His army is short of supplies, 15th corps is about to run out
He is outnumbered by the Spanish army, but must destroy them to survive

French – 39600 infantry, 2900 cavalry, 87 guns
Spanish – 54400 infantry, 2000 cavalry, 120 guns

Table at start of battle
Three of the four Spanish corps are on the table at the start of the game
They are all deployed and on Hold orders
3rd corps will arrive, behind 1st corps, at the start of move 2
They will be in column of march and on Move orders

The three French corps will arrive on the table at the start of move 1
They will be deployed and on Engage orders
Move 1 : 0800-0900
Three French corps arrive at top of table
Marshal Suchet is with the centre corps

Spanish cavalry move to the left flank to counter French cavalry
General Giron moves to meet 3rd Spanish corps when they arrive start of move 2.

Move 2 : 0900-1000
Three French corps advance
7th corps moves in support of 16th corps
It is the French intention to break the Spanish centre

Spanish artillery open fire and hit 16th corps cavalry
They lose 10% casualties but pass their morale test
3rd Spanish corps arrive on the left and move towards the centre
Move 3 : 1000-1100
French continue to advance

Spanish artillery hit one of 7th corps infantry brigade
They suffer 10% casualties but pass their morale test
3rd Spanish corps continue to advance towards the centre
They are joined by General Giron who will position them
Move 4 : 1100-1200
16th Italian corps advance on the left
Cavalry charge Spanish dragoons on the hill
Lose melee and retire shaken

3rd Spanish corps start to deploy behind hill

7th French corps advance in the centre
Dragoons charge and rout gunners, who evade into village
Supporting infantry in square lose morale test and are shaken

5th Polish corps advance between village and right hand hill
4th Spanish corps start to redeploy on hill towards centre
Move 5 : 1200-1300
1st Spanish dragoons charge and rout shaken Italian cavalry
Dragoons then test morale, fail and charge nearby infantry square
They lose melee and rout with 10% casualties

Artillery fire on approaching Italian infantry and hit centre brigade
Infantry pass morale test, despite 20% casualties

3rd Spanish corps deploy behind hill on the left

7th French corps continue to advance in the centre
Their cavalry charge 3rd Spanish artillery
Gunners pass morale test  and take cover in nearby square

15th Polish corps continue to advance on right
Their lancer brigade charge and rout Spanish militia cavalry
4th Spanish corps redeploy on right hand hill
Move 6 : 1300-1400
16th Italian corps attack the hill on the left
The Spanish infantry have sheltered from artillery fire behind the crest
They must test morale when enemy infantry reach crest
All three Spanish brigades fail and rout
7th French corps, in the centre, ordered to swing right behind hill

15th Polish corps by pass hill on right
4th Spanish corps ordered to retreat

With the loss of both his left and right flanks Giron orders a general retreat

Giron has lost four infantry, two cavalry and one artillery brigade in rout
He orders his army to break contact before the French can  pin them

The French have lost 1100 casualties and one brigade in rout
The Spanish have lost 2800 casualties and five brigades in rout

1 comment:

  1. A brave move by the French! Will their capture of Molina count as a campaign victory even if their supply situation is so dire?
