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Saturday, September 21, 2019

7 October 1813 – Battle of Wassenburg

Tactical map of battle area
Schwartzenberg is in a desperate situation.   Having lost two battles he needs time to concentrate and regroup his army at Traunstein.  
He is aware that Oudinot has serious supply problems, and must also regroup and reinforce his corps around Rosenheim.

To disrupt Bavarian preparations he orders 2nd corps to attack 10th Bavarian corps in front of Wassenburg.  

Bavarian – 7600 infantry, 900 cavalry, 27 guns
Austrian – 9600 infantry, 900 cavalry, 30 guns
Table at start of battle
The town on the left is Traunreut
Wassenburg is off table on the left
2nd Austrian corps have orders to attack the Bavarians
10th Bavarian corps have orders to hold the bridge
Move 1 : 0800-0900
Austrians move first
All move to the left of the pass
Only one brigade is in column of attack, to defend the artillery
The rest of the corps is in column of march to move faster

Bavarians move second
Corps deploy to their left to hold from the river to the hill
Move 2 : 0900-1000
Austrians move first
Artillery is a little exposed in front of the rest of the corps
Cavalry deploy into line in case the Bavarian cavalry attack the guns
Bavarians move second
Infantry deploy either side of the artillery
Cavalry move forward, possibly to threaten the gunners
Move 3 : 1000-1100
Bavarians move first
Artillery fire on square, no casualties
Cavalry move south to counter Austrian cavalry

Austrians move second
Artillery unlimber
Infantry form square to protect gunners
Cavalry advance
Move 4 : 1100-1200
Austrians move first
Artillery fire on cavalry, no casualties
Infantry advance in column of attack to move faster
Cavalry advance, but remain out of artillery range

Bavarians move second
Cavalry retreat away from enemy artillery
Artillery fire on square, no casualties
Move 5 : 1200-1300
Bavarians move first
Artillery fire on square, no casualties

Austrians move second
Artillery fire on cavalry, no casualties
Infantry and cavalry advance
Move 6 : 1300-1400
Bavarians move first
Artillery fire on square, cause 10% casualties

Austrians move second
Artillery fire on cavalry, no casualties
Square pass morale test for 20% casualties
Infantry and cavalry continue to advance

Move 7 : 1400-1500
Austrians move first
Artillery hit Bavarian cavalry and cause 10% casualties
Infantry and cavalry all advance

Bavarians move second
Artillery fire on grenadier brigade, no casualties
Cavalry pass morale test for 20% casualties
Cavalry are disordered and cannot charge approaching dragoons
Move 8 : 1500-1600
Austrians move first
Artillery is screened by their own infantry and cannot fire
Dragoons charge and rout Bavarian cavalry
Infantry advance       
Right hand brigade lose fire fight and rout with 40% casualties
Nearby grenadier brigade pass morale test for rout

Bavarians move second
Artillery fire on nearest infantry but cause no casualties
Cavalry lose melee and rout over bridge
Infantry in line advance and win fire fight with right hand Austrian brigade
Move 9 : 1600-1700
Bavarians move first
Artillery hit grenadiers who lose 10% casualties
Square fires on grenadiers who lose another 10% casualties

Austrians move second
Artillery screened by routing infantry
Cavalry screened by advancing infantry
Grenadiers test morale for loss of 20% casualties, fail and rout
Move 10 : 1700-1800
Bavarians move first      
Artillery fire on gunners, no casualties
Jager brigade deploy from square to line
Infantry brigade form square to protect gunners

Austrians move second
Artillery fire on new square, no casualties
Infantry lose firefight with Jagers and are shaken with 20% casualties
Cavalry advance when routed grenadiers retreat
Grenadiers pass morale test and are disordered
Move 11 : 1800-1900
Bavarians move first
Artillery fire on gunners, no casualties
Jager brigade continue firefight, 10% more casualties each

Austrians move second
Artillery fire on square, no casualties
Cavalry and grenadier brigade both move forward
Move 12 : 1900-2000
Austrians move first
Artillery fire on square, no casualties
Cavalry charge Jagers in line, win melee and rally
Grenadier brigade continue to advance
Line brigade retreat from firefight, shaken and with 30% casualties

Bavarians move second
Jagers lose melee with cavalry and rout with 40% casualties
Gunners seek shelter in nearby infantry square

Both sides have suffered heavy casualties
However at nightfall the Bavarians still hold the bridge
They have one full strength infantry brigade, and the gunners

One Austrian brigade is in rout with 40% casualties
A second is shaken with 30% casualties
The third has rallied with 20% casualties
The cavalry are formed but also have 20% casualties
Only the gunners are full strength

The Bavarians have won the battle

The Bavarians have lost 2600 casualties and one brigade in rout
The Austrians have lost 1500 casualties and two brigades in rout

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