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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

16 October 1813 – Battle of Bad Tolz

Tactical map of battle area
The Austrian victory at Holzkirchen has left Bad Tolz isolated
All of the Bavarian supplies are concentrated there
Oudinot must hold the town for 24 hours to remove them

Bavarian – 26000 infantry, 1900 cavalry, 54 guns
Austrian – 26800 infantry, 1900 cavalry,  54 guns
Table at start of battle
Bad Tolz is the walled town in the centre of the table
It is occupied by 11th Bavarian corps
They are supported by 12th Baden corps centre left

1st and 4th Austrian corps will enter the table at the start of move 1
Move 1 : 0800-0900
Both Austrian corps enter the table in column of march to move faster
11th Bavarian corps send their cavalry and artillery forward

Move 2 : 0900-1000
Both Austrian corps continue to advance
12th Baden corps send their artillery forward, supported by an infantry brigade
Move 3 : 1000-1100
11th Bavarian send their cavalry forward to threaten enemy artillery
12th Baden send their cavalry forward to counter enemy cavalry

1st Austrian advance and unlimber artillery
Grenadier brigade form square to protect gunners
4th Austrian cavalry and artillery advance
Infantry remain out of artillery range
Move 4 : 1100-1200
1st Austrian artillery hit enemy cavalry
Cavalry advance to charge cavalry
Jager brigade lose morale test for 10% artillery casualties and are shaken

4th Austrian dragoons charge enemy hussars
Dragoons win melee but lose 10% casualties (total 20%)
Infantry on left advance to support cavalry
Artillery unlimber

11th Bavarian hussar brigade pass morale for 20% casualties to artillery fire
Artillery fire on advancing enemy cavalry, but no casualties

12th Baden cavalry lose 10% casualties in melee and are shaken
Artillery fire on enemy jager brigade and inflict 10% casualties

Move 5 : 1200-1300
1st Austrian infantry advance
Artillery fire on cavalry, no casualties
Hussar brigade charge and rout enemy cavalry

11th Bavarian cavalry have 20% casualties
They fail their morale to counter charge and receive enemy halted
They lose a further 10% casualties in melee and rout
Nearby artillery fail their morale for rout and are shaken

Bavarian CinC takes personal command of shaken 12th hussars
He rallies them in time to take part in continued melee
They already have 10% casualties, but now receive 10% more
They lose morale and are shaken again

4th Austrian infantry advance
artillery fire on enemy gunners, no casualties
Hussars continue melee, which is a draw
They already have 20% casualties, but receive 10% more
Move 6 : 1300-1400
11th Bavarian artillery rally from shaken to disordered

1st Austrian corps move towards 12th corps
Leading infantry brigade receive 10% casualties but pass morale test
Artillery limber and move in support

12th Baden artillery fire on leading infantry brigade and inflict 10% casualties
Infantry brigade in woods take up defensive position

Bavarian CinC once more rallied shaken hussar brigade
They continue melee with Austrian dragoons
Result is a draw, but both sides have 10% casualties
Hussars now have 30% casualties and are once more shaken
Dragoons now have 40% casualties, which is an automatic rout

4th Austrian hussars rout into grenadier brigade
Grenadiers test morale and are shaken
Remainder of the infantry advance
In doing so they now screen their artillery
Move 7 : 1400-1500
Bavarian CinC orders hussars (with 30% casualties) to charge shaken grenadiers
The shaken grenadiers cannot fight, they rout with 20% casualties
The nearby infantry brigade must test morale, they fail and join rout
Half of 4th Austrian corps are now in rout

12th Baden infantry in woods fire on nearby brigade and cause 10% casualties

11th Bavarian artillery rally and move forward into range of 1st Austrian corps

4th Austrian corps have lost two infantry and one cavalry brigade
A third infantry brigade have failed their morale and are shaken
The fourth brigade halts to protect the Austrian left flank
Their artillery are moving forward to engage the town

1st Austrian corps are now

committed to attacking 12th Baden corps
They advance to attack, but the centre is crowded with weak infantry
Move 8 : 1500-1600
Bavarian CinC moves infantry forward to threaten Austrian left flank

11th Bavarian artillery fire on Austrian gunners, but no casualties

1st Austrian cavalry move forward to charge infantry outside town
Artillery unlimber at close range to town
Infantry advance into crowded centre

4th Austrian artillery unlimber at close range to occupied woods
Shaken brigade fail morale and are still shaken
Formed brigade deploy to hold Austrian left flank

Move 9 : 1600-1700
On left Bavarian cavalry and infantry retreat

Bavarian infantry in woods fire on shaken infantry
Austrian infantry lose 10% casualties and rout

Austrian artillery fire on woods
Bavarian infantry receive 10% casualties and are shaken

Austrian cavalry charge Bavarian infantry in line
Infantry win melee and cavalry halt shaken

Austrian front line, who have suffered heavy casualties, are withdrawn
They are replaced by two brigades from 1st corps
Move 10 : 1700-1800
On left Baden infantry advance to support woods
However infantry in woods break and rout

In the centre Austrian cavalry withdraw into reserve
Austrian reserve infantry advance to renew the attack

Town garrison receive 10% casualties but pass morale test and hold
Move 11 : 1800-1900
On left Baden infantry fire on infantry supporting gunners
Austrian melee fail morale and rout, gunners pass morale
In the centre Austrian grenadier brigade skirmish with Bavarian line
Bavarian lose 10% casualties and are shaken

Move 12 : 1900-2000
On left Austrian artillery hit infantry and cause 10% casualties]
Baden infantry fail morale and rout

In centre Austrian grenadiers charge and rout shaken Bavarian line

Oudinot still holds Bad Tolz at nightfall
He therefore wins the battle

The Bavarians have lost 3100 casualties
The Austrians have lost 3500 casualties

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