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Saturday, February 19, 2022

3 May 1813 – Battle of Naumburg

Tactical map of battle area

The campaign opens with a surprise French attack the border town of Naumburg.

5th French army have deployed out of sight of 2nd Russian army

Both French corps will arrive on the table at the start of move 1

Both Russian corps start the game on the table


French – 8 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery

Russian – 8 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

2nd Russian Army is deployed on the right

General Jermolow has taken command of the town and one infantry brigade

3rd corps are south of the town

4th corps are east of the town


5th French Army will arrive at the left edge of table at the start of move one

End of Move 2

3rd Russian corps has deployed between the town and the woods

4th Russian corps are moving to deploy north of the town


5th French army is advancing from the left

Marshal Lefebvre has taken command of 7th corps artillery and two infantry brigades

7th French corps is moving through the woods in the north

14th Westphalian corps is advancing over the hills to the south

End of Move 4

4th Russian corps is now in position north of the town

Russian reserve hold eastern half of town, with one brigade in reserve

3rd Russian corps is now in position south of the town

Their artillery hit French infantry with first round fired


7th French corps are deploying east of the woods

French reserve infantry receive 10% casualties, but pass morale test

One brigade is approaching the unoccupied western half of town


14th Westphalian corps is moving through hills south of town

End of Move 6

7th French corps have cleared the woods and deployed to attack

Their artillery have caused 20% casualties to one Russian brigade


The French reserve artillery have caused one Russian brigade to retreat shaken

This has prompted Lefebvre to advance both infantry brigades, rather than enter the town.


The Russian reserve has moved to support 3rd corps


14th Westphalian corps have cleared the hill

Their cavalry have charged the Russian Cossacks

The first round of melee is a draw, with both sides suffering 10% casualties


End of Move 8

7th French corps advance

Cavalry charged and routed by Russian dragoons

Dragoons then charge and rout nearest infantry brigade


French reserve advance.

Infantry charge gunners, receive 20% casualties but rout gunners

Infantry charge and rout supporting Russian infantry brigade

Russian reserve advance to fill the gap between 3rd corps and the town


14th Westphalian corps advance

Cavalry melee won against Russian Cossacks

Both sides suffer 30% casualties, but Cossacks retreat shaken

End of Move 10

7th French corps retreat in square

4th Russian corps advance in column of attack supported by cavalry


French reserve infantry both in rout

Russian reserve infantry move to support 3rd corps


14th Westphalian and 3rd Russian corps involved in widespread infantry melee


French have four corps in rout

Russians have two corps in rout

End of Move 12

7th French corps break and rout, one brigade and artillery cover the retreat

4th Russian corps call off attack at nightfall


French reserve infantry in rout, artillery retreat at nightfall

Russian reserve hold town at  nightfall


14th Westphalian corps hold their position until nightfall

3rd Russian corps break and rout



The French have lost 13 infantry and 4 cavalry casualties (5600 men)

The Russians have lost 9 infantry, 5 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (4200 men)

The Russians have held the town and win the battle

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