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Thursday, October 13, 2022

2 June 1813 – Battle of Harzburg

Tactical map of battle area

General Bulow is ordered to attack Harzburg with 2nd Prussian army

He is not aware that his opponent is Napoleon himself with 1st French army


1st French Army – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

2nd Prussian Army – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

The French start the game already deployed on the table

On the right is 1st Old Guard corps

Napoleon is in the centre with 2nd French corps

On the left is 3rd French corps


2nd Prussian army will arrive on the table at the start of move 1

End of move 2

French advance either side of town

Napoleon has taken command of 1st grenadier and a lancer brigade in the centre

1st corps advance to the right of the town

2nd corps advance artillery and infantry to the left of the town

3rd corps advance between the town and the woods


Prussian army arrive and advance towards town

Bulow has taken command of half of 5th corps and 6th corps artillery

4th corps occupy village and unlimber artillery, infantry remain in reserve

5th corps halt to left of village

6th corps send one brigade to occupy fortified farm

End of move 4

French artillery open fire

Napoleon reserve cavalry come under artillery fire and withdraw

1st corps artillery fire on Prussian gunners, no casualties

2nd corps artillery unlimber and open fire, no casualties

3rd corps cavalry fight two rounds of melee, 20% casualties to each brigade


Prussian artillery fire on town, no casualties

4th corps artillery fire on Guard cavalry, 20% casualties but pass morale

5th advance in support of reserve

6th corps infantry occupy village

End of move 6

French retreat out of artillery range

Napoleon redeploys his reserve out of artillery range

1st corps infantry and cavalry withdraw out of artillery range

2nd corps artillery manhandle forward

3rd corps cavalry lose melee and rout with 40% casualties


Prussian advance towards town

Bulow moves artillery to short range of town

4th corps exchange fire with guard artillery

5th corps advance towards town

6th corps vacate farm, cavalry win melee but have 30% casualties

End of move 8

French prepare for attack

reserve cavalry charge hussars, result draw both 10% casualties

1st corps redeploy on Harzburg road

2nd corps artillery and garrison receive casualties, but pass morale test

3rd corps advance towards farm


Prussians attack town

reserve artillery hit enemy gunners and town garrison, infantry advance

4th corps redeploy to attack

5th corps hussars counter charge French lancers, result draw

6th corps cavalry routed when charging gunners, infantry advance

End of move 10

French lose half of town

1st corps infantry retreat out of artillery range, artillery continue to fire on gunners

reserve cavalry win melee, but withdraw with 20% casualties

2nd corps lose left half of town, artillery forced to retreat shaken

3rd corps artillery fire on infantry


Prussians press home attack on town

4th corps infantry retreat out of artillery range

5th corps advance to attack half of town, cavalry lose melee and rout

reserve artillery rout left half of town, and force 3 corps artillery to retire shaken

6th corps infantry retreat out of artillery range.

End of move 12

French lose Harzburg

1st corps firmly hold right flank

reserve cover rout of 2nd corps

2nd corps rout and abandon Harzburg

3rd corps firmly hold left flank


Prussians take Harzburg

4th corps retire out of artillery range

5th corps take right section of Harzburg

Reserve take left section of Harzburg

6th corps redeploy behind farm



The battle was fought and won in the centre against the town of Harzburg

The French fought a defensive battle, but lost the town in the last two game moves

The Prussians made no attempt to attack either flank

Close range artillery finally too effect and the garrison was shaken

5th corps and reserve infantry routed the garrison and took the town


The French have lost 7 infantry. 5 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (3400 men)

The Prussians have lost 1 infantry and 4 cavalry casualties (1000 men)


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