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Thursday, May 9, 2024

19 July 1813 – Battle of Villacayo

Tactical map of battle area

The campaign opens with a surprise French attack on Villacayo
Their aim is to draw attention to the southern flank

French army is commanded by Marshal Marmont
British army is commanded by General Picton

French – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
British – 8 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery
Spanish – 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade, 1 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

All three French corps will enter the table at the start of move 1
5 British and 9 Spanish corps will not be allowed to move until move 2
End of move 2

French cinc has taken command of artillery from 34 and 35 corps
34 corps has is advancing through the woods on the right
35 corps is advancing in the centre
36 corps is advancing to the right of the walled farm

British cinc has joined 6 corps in the centre
5 corps is moving towards farm on the right
6 corps hold the centre
9 corps advance towards the hill on the left
End of move 4

French cinc moves grand battery forward in the centre
34 corps has is deploying between the woods and the farm
35 corps is deploying out of artillery range
36 corps is moving to the left of the hill

British cinc has taken command of 6 and 9 corps cavalry centre left
5 corps has occupied the farm on the right
6 corps has withdrawn closer to the town
9 corps are climbing the hill on the left
End of move 6

French cinc grand battery opens fire, no casualties
34 corps advance to attack farm on the right
35 corps advance to attack town
36 corps occupy hill

British cinc reserve cavalry charge dragoons, lose melee and rout
5 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
6 corps artillery open fire, no casualties
9 corps retreat from hill
End of move 8

French cinc grand battery routs 5 corps gunners
34 corps retreat when their attack on farm is defeated
35 corps halt and allow 6 corps to retreat
36 corps secure hill

British cinc rally reserve cavalry in the allied rear area
5 corps hold farm and defeat French attack
6 corps retreat to town
9 corps redeploy in front of woods


The French have taken the centre and the hill on the left
The British have held the farm on the righ
Having taken two of the three game objectives the French win

The French have lost 6 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (2600 men)
The British have lost 3 infantry, 3 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (1600 men)

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