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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

22 July 1813 – Battle of Soncillo

Tactical map of battle area

Soncillo commands the southern crossing of the river Ebro
Third Anglo-Spanish army has suffered light casualties at Villacayo
Twelfth French army have one brigade detached to garrison Villacayo

French army is commanded by Marshal Marmont
British army is commanded by General Picton

French – 10 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
British – 8 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery
Spanish – 5 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade, 1 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

The river can only be crossed by one of the three bridges
The two armies start the game 24” apart
The game objectives are farm on the left, hill in the centre and woods on the right
The winner will be the side which has control of at least two of the three
End of move 2

French start to cross the river
Cavalry lead the advance, with artillery close behind
Marshal Marmont has taken command of half of 34th corps
He is leading the artillery, cavalry and one brigade towards the centre
34th French corps remaining infantry is waiting to cross the river
35th French corps advancing towards town, cavalry and artillery leading
36th Vistula corps move towards the centre, cavalry protecting their left flank

Allied army advance to the three objectives
General Picton has taken command of half of 9th Spanish corps
5th British corps have entered the woods on the left
6th British corps deploy in the centre, one brigade sent to occupy the hill
9th Spanish corps occupy farm on the left
End of move 4

French cross river and advance
Marshal Marmont attacks right hand woods with half of 34th corps
34th French corps cross river and swing right to engage woods
35th French advance in centre, one brigade sent to take hill
36th Vistula corps deploy and prepare to advance

Allied army adjusts to French advance
5th British corps melee in woods, send infantry towards bridge
6th British corps lose one brigade to artillery fire, remainder retreat out of range
9th Spanish corps occupy farm and wait for French advance
End of move 6

French advance
34th French corps win infantry melee
35th French corps rout British cavalry and force gunners to abandon guns
36th Vistula corps win second cavalry melee

Allies withdraw in centre
5th British corps win melee in woods but retreat to avoid close range artillery fire
6th British corps cavalry lose melee, gunners seek shelter in nearby square
9th Spanish corps cavalry lose melee and rout
End of move 8

French advance in centre, redeploy on right and left
34th French corps redeploy to attack right half of woods
35th French corps win cavalry melee and pursue retreating British
36th Vistula corps rout Spanish lancers, redeploy to attack farm

Allied withdraw in centre, continue to hold farm and woods
5th British corps withdraw to right half of woods
6th British corps retreat to walls of town
9th Spanish corps await Polish attack
End of move 10

French take hill in centre
34th French corps occupy left half of woods
35th French corps take hill in centre
36th Vistula corps drive Spanish out of farm

Allies lose hill in the centre
5th British corps retreat to right half of woods
6th British corps abandon hill and retreat into Soncillo
9th Spanish corps lose farm, but prepare to counter attack
End of move 12

French take farm on the left and hill in the centre
34th French corps have taken three quarters of woods on the right
35th French corps have taken hill in the centre
36th Vistula corps have taken farm on the left

Allies abandon farm and hill, but still hold one quarter of woods
5th British corps hold top right section of woods
6th British corps in Soncillo
9th Spanish corps abandon farm and retreat to woods


French have taken two of the three game objectives
Allies still hold one quarter of the woods, but will retreat during the night

French have lost 4 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties (1700 men)
British have lost 9 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties (3700 men)
Spanish have lost 2 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties (900 men)

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