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Thursday, September 19, 2024

1 August 1813 – Central Germany – End of Halle Campaign


Battles fought during campaign phase

The French won four of the six battles fought.
However the Russians still held the city of Halle

The French won the first three battles at Mansfeld, Eisleben and Querfurt.
The Russians won the next two at Konnern and Halle
The French won the final battle at Luena

Despite winning four of the six battles, the French were unable to take Halle
This was the campaign objective and to win they had to take and hold the city

The Russians held Konnern, Halle and Leuna at the end of the campaign
The French had won the battle of Luena, but had to retreat
With Konnern and Halle in Russian hands, Luena was too isolated to hold

 The Russians won the Halle campaign.

The campaign started on 26 July and ended on 18 September 2024
Erfurt Region

Davout ordered his army to withdraw to Nordhausen
Wittgenstein held Halle and controlled all of the region

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