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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

30 July 1813 – Battle of Halle

Tactical map of battle area

Halle is the headquarters of 2nd Russian Army Group
It is also the main supply depot for Halle District
To win the campaign the French must capture, and hold, Halle

French army is commanded by Marshal Moncey
Russian army is commanded by General Constantine

French – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
Russian – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

French start with 1 cavalry casualty (100 men)
Russians start with 2 infantry, 1 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (1000 men)

Table at start of battle

The Russians are deployed at the three game objectives in the middle of the table
The village on the left
The woods in the centre
The farm on the right

The French will arrive at the top of the table at the start of move 1

End of move 2

French arrive on table and advance
CinC taken command of artillery from 14 and 15 corps
13 corps advance over hill on the right, cavalry cover advance
14 corps advance towards woods
15 corps advance over hill on the left

Russian wait for French to come within artillery range
CinC has taken command of half of 4 corps far right
4 corps wait for French to advance
5 corps wait for French to advance
6 corps wait for French to advance

End of move 4

French advance
CinC artillery unlimber at long range
13 corps infantry advance over hill, cavalry force cossacks to ret ire
14 corps infantry deploy
15 corps advance over left hand hill

Russian wait for French to come within artillery range
CinC withdraw cossacks behind infantry when French dragoons advance
4 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
5 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
6 corps wait for French to come within artillery range
End of move 6

French attack
CinC artillery hit village garrison twice
13 corps advance towards farm
14 corps cavalry rout cossacks, infantry attack woods
15 corps advance from hill into artillery range

Russian vacate village on tghe left
CinC rally cuirassiers but hold in reserve
4 corps hold farm withdraw rest of corps out of artillery range
5 corps cossacks rout with 20% casualties then rally
6 corps garrison of village retreat with 20% casualties

End of move 8

French attack
CinC moves reserve artillery to support 15 corps
13 corps lose cavalry melee, cuirassiers rout
14 corps win infantry melee, gunners rout with 10% casualtgies
15 corps lancers lose melee and rout, infantry pinned down

Russian counter attack
CinC cavalry win melee and rout cuirassiers
4 corps advance artillery to support farm
5 corps hold woods but cavalry and gunners rout
6 corps cavalry win melee, garrison withdraw from village.
End of move 10

French continue to attack
CinC reserve artillery engage 6th Russian corps
13 corps rally cavalry and infantry form column from square
14 corps infantry win fire fight, but unable to weaken garrison of woods
15 corps unable to reserve artillery

Russian continue to hold all three objectives
CinC withdraw cuirassiers behind infantry
4 corps infantry lose firefight between woods and farm
5 corps forced to withdraw, but still hold woods
6 corps forced to withdraw, neither side occupy village
End of move 12

French attack
CinC artillery fire on gunners
13 corps cavalry lose second melee and rout
14 corps attack woods but unable to enter
15 corps enter village

Russian continue to hold all three objectives
CinC wins cavalry melee and routs French cuirassiers
4 corps rally routed brigades, continue to hold farm
5 corps lose 10% in melee, but continue to hold woods
6 corps enter melee is a draw, but continue to hold village


Fighting continues until nightfall
Russians hold all tree objectives
Russians win the battle

French have lost 9 infantry. 4 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (4100 men)
Russians have lost 7 infantry 2 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (3100 men)

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