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Thursday, September 12, 2024

31 July 1813 – Battle of Luena

Tactical map of battle area

French army is commanded by Marshal Poniatowski
Russian army is commanded by General Winzingerode

French – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery
Russian – 12 infantry brigades, 3 cavalry brigade, 3 corps artillery

Table at start of battle

Russians are deployed on the game objectives
Village on the left, pass in the centre and bridge on the right
They are not allowed to move forward until the start of move 3

French will arrive at the start of move 1
They can only cross the river by using one of the four bridges

Both armies start the game with battle casualties
French – 2 infantry and 2 cavalry casualties (1000 men)
Russian – 6 infantry, 3 cavalry and 2 artillery casualties (2100 men)
The Russians have considerably more than the French

End of move 2

French cavalry cross river to defend crossing
CinC takes command of artillery from 16 and 17 corps
16 corps advance down right bank of river
17 corps cavalry cross river and deploy out of artillery range
18 corps cavalry cross river and deploy out of artillery range

Russian not allowed to move forward until move 3
CinC takes command of half of 7th corps on the right bank
7 corps redeploy artillery to cover right bank
8 corps move reserve infantry onto hill
9 corps cavalry redeploy to counter Polish lancers
End of move 4

French continue to cross river
CinC move to support 16 corps
16 corps deploy out of cavalry charge range
17 corps delayed by CinC who crossed the river in front of them
18 corps artillery force Russian cavalry to withdraw shaken

Russian charge French guns
CinC withdraw to rear of bridge
7 corps unlimber artillery
8 corps move more troops onto hill
9 corps cavalry charge guns, receive 10% casualties and retreat shaken
End of move 6

French advance
CinC unlimbers artillery
16 corps advance, but remain out of cavalry charge range
17 corps continue to cross bridge
18 corps advance towards village

Russian wait for French to advance into artillery range
CinC withdraw slightly on right bank of river
7 corps artillery manhandle into canister range
8 corps wait for French to advance into artillery range
9 corps shaken cavalry fail morale and rout

End of move 8

French capture first game objective
CinC rout 7th corps artillery
16 corps cavalry rout both Cossack brigades
17 corps deploy and prepare to advance on hill
18 corps approach village

Russian abandon first game objective
CinC withdraw and abandon bridge (game objective)
7 corps infantry retreat when gunners routed
8 corps wait for French to advance within artillery range
9 corps withdraw from village, but prepare to counter attack

End of move 10

French general attack
CinC deploy artillery to secure bridge (game objective)
16 corps secure bridge, send two brigades to left bank
17 corps prepare to attack hill
18 corps infantry enter village, two brigades support attack on hill

Russian redeploy closer to Luena
CinC rally on bridge nearest Luena
7 corps move into cover behind Luena
8 corps retreat to edge of hill closer to Luena
9 corps redeploy village and closer to Luena

End of move 12

French capture two of the three game objectives
CinC support attack on hill
16 corps deploy to hold bridge (game objective)
17 corps attack hill, but still fighting at nightfall
18 corps capture town (game objective) after two round of melee

Russian lose two of the three game objectives
CinC retreats and abandons bridge (game objective)
7 corps redeploy behind Luena
8 corps greatly outnumbered on hill, two brigades rout
9 corps withdraw from town (game objective)

The French have taken two of the three game objectives
Fighting continues for the hill, the third game objective
However only two Russian brigades are left, under attack by five French brigades

Having taken two game objectives the French have won the battle

French have lost 4 infantry and 1 cavalry casualties (1700 men)
Russians have lost 5 infantry, 1 cavalry and 1 artillery casualties (2200 men)

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