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Friday, February 7, 2025

11 August 1813 – Southern Spain – End of Jean Campaign

Battles fought during campaign phase

The French won the first three battles of the campaign, forcing the Spanish army to retreat west to Linares, Jean and Alcaudette.

To pursue the retreating Spanish, Suchet had to detach infantry and cavalry brigades to secure his lines of supply. Despite this he lost many supplies to guerrilla attacks.

As Suchet struggled to secure his lines of supply, the Spanish counter attacked. They won the next four battles, including the city of Jean.

Suchet won the next battle at Linares, but he was down to one days supplies and was tempted to retreat. Instead he ordered a desperate attack on Martos, which he won and with it the campaign.

The campaign started on 26 September and ended on 7 February 2025

This was the first campaign to last nine days, earlier ones had only lasted six days. This was to allow the Spanish to counter attack after the French had taken Jean, which was the campaign objective. To do so the French had to expend almost all of their supplies, and detach the maximum number of infantry and cavalry brigades to secure their lines of supply. They would be at their weakest, and the Spanish at their strongest. Despite this the French won the final two battles, and also the campaign.

Seville Region

This map shows the location of the 29 battles fought in the Seville Region since the Sixth campaign bagan in June 2020. The French won 17 and the Spanish 12.

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