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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

29 August 1813 – Central Germany – Day 4

1st Russian corps moves north to cut the French off from the west bank
At their approach the French move to secure the bridge
Under cover of darkness they retreat to the west bank
The French lose 100 casualties, the Russians no casualties

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

29 August 1813 – Battle of Kulmbach

Tactical map of battle area
2nd French corps has crossed the river Saale north of Kulmbach and cut the Russian main supply road.   They have made no attempt to take the city of Kulmbach.

1st Russian corps have been ordered to attack the French and reopen the road

The garrison of Kulmbach can only be used in the city

French – 16000 infantry, 1000 cavalry, 30 guns
Prussian – 16000 infantry, 1000 cavalry, 30 guns

Table at start of game

Kulmbach is occupied by the Russians
Move 1 : 0800-0900
French send infantry and cavalry to secure bridge
Move 2 : 0900-1000
Russians race to reach bridge first
Move 3 : 1000-1100
French reach bridge first
Cossacks and unwilling to engage French cavalry
Move 4 : 1100-1200
Remainder of French approach bridge

Move 5 : 1200-1300
Russian artillery open fire
French deploy to hold bridge

Move 6 : 1300-1400
Artillery exchange fire
French cavalry receive casualties, but pass morale and hold

2nd French corps crossed the river Saale and cut the Russian lines of communication north of the town of Kulmbach.

1st Russian corps was sent to defeat the French and open the road again

The Russians hoped to cut the French off from the river Saale, and their line of retreat.   To do so they advanced east of the town to secure the wooden bridge.

The French immediately reacted by sending their cavalry to hold the bridge and sending the rest of the corps behind them. 

The French arrived at the bridge first, and deployed to fight

The Russians were content to have reopened their supply road.  They did not wish to risk a battle and risk the loss of Kulmbach should they lose.

The French hold the bridge until nightfall, when they move back over the river Saale.
The French have lost 100 casualties
The Russians have received no casualties