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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

12 August1813 – Battle of Mayorga

Tactical map of battle area

Wellington has ordered 2nd and 3rd British corps to hold Mayorga, a major town on the right of the allied position.   He has ordered both corps to resupply, but they are unable to do so because they are attacked.

Soult wants to take full advantage of the upset to Wellington’s plans by his defeat at Sanabria.  He orders 13th Polish and 16th Italian corps to attack Mayorga.

The loss of Mayorga would open the road to Valladolid to the French.

French – 32000 infantry, 2000 cavalry, 60 guns
British – 32000 infantry, 2000 cavalry, 60 guns
Table at start of wargame
Mayorga is the group of buildings in the centre of the table
2nd and 3rd British corps are deployed in and around the town
13th Polish and 16th Italian corps will arrive at the top of the table at the start of move one
13th Polish corps (left) advance towards village
Cavalry are on the left (behind the village)
Artillery on right of village

16th Italian corps (right) Advance through woods
They then move to support the Poles
Cavalry on their right to protect open flank

British artillery open fire, and hit, leading Italian brigade
Italians test and pass morale

Both French and British artillery have been firing for most of this period
But neither side has suffered any further casualties
The French must now advance if they are to achieve anything before nightfall

British dragoons (on the left) have advanced to engage the Polish lancers
On the far left the British dragoons charge the Polish lancers
The dragoons win the melee and the lancers rout with 10% casualties

13th corps artillery fire to support infantry advance, but no casualties
The leading infantry brigade suffer 30% casualties to British artillery
They rout into the two supporting brigades, who also fail morale and join rout

16th corps artillery also fire in support, but also prove ineffective
Italian infantry advance in support of 13th corps
Leading brigade suffers 20% casualties and rout
Supporting brigade fail morale and join rout.

With five infantry and one cavalry brigade in rout the French attack is broken
Soult orders both corps to halt and retreat
The British have won a convincing victory

The French have lost 1700 casualties
The British have not suffered any casualties

Game Note
Such a one sided game is very unusual
The British have had very good dice throws
The French have had particularly bad dice throws
Also the British have moved first at critical points
Their cavalry advanced at the end of one move and charged at the start of the next
Their artillery fired before the French infantry could engage them
The British artillery caused 1600 casualties
The French artillery failed to cause any casualties
The French supporting infantry brigades all rolled very low morale dice

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