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Monday, March 30, 2020

29 October 1813 – Battle of Ribadeo

Tactical map of battle area

Soult has ordered 7th and 16th corps to hold Ribadeo
Both corps are running short of supplies
Wellington orders 1st and 3rd corps to attack Ribadeo

French – 29200 infantry, 1900 cavalry, 60 guns
British – 29600 infantry, 1800 cavalry, 60 guns
Table at start of battle
The British are on the left
The French are on the right
The walled city on the left is Santiago
Ribadeo is off table centre right
Move 1 : 0800-0900
Wellington orders the artillery to move to the centre
Where he will take command of them
1st British corps moves forward, cavalry in reserve
3rd British corps moves forward, cavalry on the left
7th French corps move their artillery forward
Their lancer brigade moves to the right flank
16th Italian corps wait to see what the British will do
Move 2 : 0900-1000
Wellington moves the combined artillery forward in the centre
1st British corps move forward, cavalry on the far side of the woods
3rd British corps move forward, cavalry move towards the centre

7th French corps artillery unlimber
16th Italian corps move forward
Move 3 : 1000-1100
7th French corps artillery fire on infantry behind combined artillery
16th Italian corps advance to flank any attack between the woods

Wellington unlimbers his combined battery
1st British corps move infantry behind woods
3rd British corps advance into woods
Move cavalry from right flank towards the centre
Move 4 : 1100-1200
16th Italian corps advance between woods and farm
Cavalry move towards centre to threaten Wellingtons battery

Wellington fires on infantry in support of artillery, no casualties
1st British corps advance between woods and farm
3rd British corps move dragoons to threaten Italian corps
Move 5 : 1200-1300
Wellington artillery hit infantry in support of artillery
1st British corps continue to advance
2nd British corps deploy in woods

French artillery fire on gunners, no casualties
7th French corps infantry lose morale and rout
16th Italian corps deploy between woods and farm
Cavalry move to block British dragoons moving through woods
Move 6 : 1300-1400
Wellington’s grand battery hit and rout a second infantry brigade
Nearby cavalry lose morale test and join rout

With half of 7th corps in rout Soult orders the rest of his army to retreat

With his right wing in rout Soult ordered the rest of his army to retreat

The French have lost 900 casualties and three brigades in rout
The British have suffered no casualties

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