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Monday, April 26, 2021

1 April 1813 – Battle of Bayerbach

Tactical map of battle area

9th Bavarian corps have occupied Bayerbach in a surprise attack

10th Bavarian corps is moving to support them

1st and 2nd Austrian corps have deployed to counter attack


Bavarian – 7 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery

Austrian – 7 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery

Start of move 1

9th Bavarian corps is deployed in the centre square

Two brigades are in Bayerbach, the remainder to the south

Marshal Massena and 10th Bavarian corps will arrive centre left at the start of move 1


General Klenau and First Austrian army will arrive at the start of move 1

1st corps will arrive top right, 2nd corps centre right

End of move 2

10th Bavarian corps is moving to the take position on the left of Bayerbach

Marshal Massena is riding to the town


First Austrian army has arrived at the top of the photo

1st corps to the left of the road, 2nd corps to the right.

End of move 4

9th Bavarian corps artillery opens fire, but no casualties

10th Bavarian corps continues to advance

Marshal Massena has taken command of the garrison of Bayerbach

He has ordered both brigades into the northern half of the town


First Austrian army has started to deploy

General Klenau has taken command of 1st corps cavalry and grenadier brigade

He is moving to the left to threaten 10th corps advance.

End of move 6

9th Bavarian corps bear the brunt of the Austrian attack

Their cavalry brigade receive 10% casualties, but make their morale


The garrison also come under attack

First they receive 10% casualties from artillery fire

Then two Austrian brigades advance and skirmish, causing another 10% casualties

Massena swops the garrison with the reserve brigade


10th Bavarian corps starts to deploy


1st Austrian corps launch their attack on the town

Artillery cause 10% casualties

Two infantry brigades move forward and skirmish

This causes another 10% casualties


2nd Austrian corps artillery concentrate on the enemy cavalry

They cause 10% casualties, and move forward their own cavalry to attack

The infantry also move forward, the right hand brigade receiving 10% casualties

End of move 8

10th Bavarian cavalry charge and rout Austrian hussars

Remainder of corps hold their ground


1st Austrian artillery fire on garrison, who receive 10% casualties and are shaken

Two Austrian brigades then storm the town and rout both garrison and reserve

Garrison rout with 50% casualties, reserve brigade with 20% casualties


2nd Austrian artillery fire on cavalry, who now have 20% casualties and are shaken

Austrian light cavalry charge and rout shaken Bavarian cavalry

End of move 10

10th Bavarian corps redeploy to hold southern half of town

Jager brigade enter town and are disorganised by routing infantry


Town garrison continue to rout through southern half of town


9th Bavarian corps retreat to hold southern half of town


1st Austrian corps send Jager brigade into northern half of town

Grenadier brigade move to rejoin 1st corps


2nd Austrian corps advance to engage 9th Bavarian corps

End of move 12

10th Bavarian corps advance and take south Bayerbach


2nd Austrian corps attack 9th Bavarian corps

Cavalry force Bavarian infantry to remain in square

Austrian infantry then charge and rout square


At nightfall Marshal Massena orders 7th Bavarian army to retreat


At nightfall the Bavarians hold south Bayerbach

10th corps has only suffered light casualties

However 9th corps have lost heavy casualties

Three of their four infantry brigades are in rout

Their cavalry are also in rout

Massena orders a general retreat


The Bavarians have lost 8 infantry and 4 cavalry casualties (3600 men)

The Austrians have lost 4 infantry and 3 cavalry casualties (1900 men)


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