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Saturday, May 22, 2021

5 April 1813 – Battle of Bayerbach

Tactical map of battle area

The Austrians have taken Bayerbach, Branau and Eggelsberg

In doing so they have over extended their lines of supply

All six corps are running short of supplies


The Bavarians are fully supplied, having retreated to their depots

However they have suffered more battle casualties than the Austrians

Despite this Massena is determined to take advantage of the situation

He orders 7th French army to attack Bayerbach


French – 6 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery

Prussian – 6 infantry brigades, 2 cavalry brigade, 2 corps artillery


Start of move 1

Both Austrian corps are deployed on the table at the start of the game

4th infantry brigade is in the left hand town section

Most of 2nd corps are deployed outside the town

They are ready to move into the area between the town and the farm


Both Bavarian corps will arrive top and centre left at the start of move 1.

End of move 2

The Austrians have adjusted their deployment to meet the Bavarian approach

The CinC has created a reserve, in the centre, of two infantry brigades


The Bavarians are advancing

10th corps have detached one brigade to enter the inn on the right

The CinC has also created a reserve of two brigades, also in the centre.

End of move 4

The Austrian reserve has been disbanded, brigades sent back to their corps

2nd corps have retreated slightly to avoid being outflanked

1st corps cavalry charge guns, but are counter charged by 9th dragoons

Melee is a draw, both sides now have 30% casualties and are non operational


Bavarian artillery open fire, but no casualties

10th corps occupy inn

Cavalry advance left of the inn to outflank 2nd corps

9th corps dragoons counter charge to save gunners

Melee is a draw, both cavalry brigades non operational

End of move 6

The Austrian reserve is moving through the town to rejoin 2nd corps

1st corps redeploy and wait for enemy to attack

Cavalry melee is a draw, both lose 40% casualties and both rout


10th Bavarian corps advance

Bavarian reserve advance

9th Bavarian corps hold their position

End of move 8

2nd Austrian corps now have the two detached infantry brigades back

Their cavalry fight an undecided melee, both sides have received 10% casualties

1st Austrian corps retreat one infantry brigade who have received 30% casualties


10th Bavarian corps advance on the left

Their cavalry continue to melee on their left

The Bavarian reserve receive artillery casualties but continue to advance

9th Bavarian corps artillery have forced an Austrian brigade to retreat

                                                                  End of move 10

On the left there is extensive hand to hand fighting.

Bavarian reserve and 10th corps have closed with 2nd Austrian corps

Despite considerable casualties, neither side is giving way


On the right 1st Austrian and 9th Bavarian corps each have two infantry brigades

The Bavarian artillery moves forward into close range

The Bavarian infantry advance

End of move 12

The Austrians won the extended infantry melee on the left

Bavarian infantry took the town, but had to retreat with the rest of 10th corps

9th Bavarian corps also retreated with 10th corps


The Austrians won the game



Both sides suffered heavy casualties, particularly the cavalry

The Austrians lost more casualties, but had better morale

They lost 5 brigades in rout, to 4 Bavarian brigades


The Bavarians have lost 11 infantry and 6 cavalry casualties (5000 men)

The Austrians have lost 13 infantry and 6 cavalry casualties (5800 men)

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