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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

31 March 1813 – Battle of Eggelsberg

Tactical map of battle area

Both 9th French army and 3rd Austrian army have orders to occupy Eggelsberg

Neither are close to the town, and it will be a race for who arrives first


French – 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade, 1 corps artillery

Prussian – 4 infantry brigades, 1 cavalry brigade, 1 corps artillery

Start of move 1

17th French and 5th Austrian corps will arrive at the start of move 1

18th French and 6th Austrian corps will arrive at the start of move 9

End of move 2

Both corps have arrived on the table

Both are moving to the left of the town to deploy

End of move 4

5th Austrian corps are starting to deploy north of the town

17th French corps have sent their leading brigade into the town

The remainder of the corps is still advancing and moving to the left of the town  

End of move 6

5th Austrian corps is now fully deployed

They have infantry behind the town, but not in the town itself

17th French corps is still deploying.

They are closer to the town than the Austrians

And their artillery in within short range of the northern half of the town

Their infantry have now reached the far edge of the southern half of the town

A second brigade is about to enter the town

End of move 8

17th corps artillery hit Austrian infantry and cause 10% casualties

French infantry deploy and form garrison of southern half of town

Second infantry brigade is moving through to occupy northern half

End of move 10     

6th Austrian corps has now arrived on the table           

They are advancing between the town and the woods

Marshal Victor has also arrived

17th French corps continue to occupy the town

They have moved into the northern half of the town

Their artillery hit the same infantry brigade, who now have 20% casualties

They fail their morale and are shaken


18th French corps have arrived on the table

They are moving towards the town

Marshal Victor is moving to take command of the troops in the town

End of move 12

General Merveldt has taken command of 5th corps to left of town

Corps commander has taken command of troops behind town

Shaken brigade fails morale and routs

5th corps attack town and defeat French in northern half

6th corps continues to arrive between town and woods


17th French corps hold their position

18th French corps continue to advance to the right of the town



At nightfall each side hold half of the town

5th Austrian corps and 17th French corps have east lost one infantry brigade

6th Austrian corps and 18th French corps are full strength and not committed

The result of the battle is a draw

But neither side is prepared to retreat

So the battle will continue for a second day


The French have lost 2 infantry casualties (800 men)

The Austrians have lost 2 infantry casualties (800 men)


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